common heritage of mankind

英 [ˈkɒmən ˈherɪtɪdʒ ɒv mænˈkaɪnd] 美 [ˈkɑːmən ˈherɪtɪdʒ əv mænˈkaɪnd]




  1. Property that is or can be inherited; an inheritance. conservation of climate as part of the common heritage of mankind
  2. Cultural Diversity as Common Heritage and Common Concern of Mankind
  3. Identify the Private Ownership of Celestial Bodies on the Basis of the "Common Heritage of Mankind" Principle
  4. Language is a nation's indispensable cultural heritage as well as the common heritage of mankind.
  5. "Global concerns"," common human concerns"," world heritage" make the concept of "common interests of mankind" more and more important in many fields of international law.
  6. Conservation of climate as part of the common heritage of mankind
  7. The term "Common Heritage of Mankind" was the chief source of confusion and uncertainty in the outer space legal regime.
  8. First, as the cultural heritage of a sovereign state, the ICH comes within the national jurisdiction of the sovereign state, while not being the common heritage of mankind.
  9. This part illustrates the forming process of the Principle of Common Heritage of Mankind, including the process of proposing and affirming. Besides, this part introduces the unique legal nature of the Principle of Common Heritage of Mankind.
  10. In addition, as the common heritage of mankind, the Intangible Cultural Heritage is not only an important part of the diversity of human culture, but also an important part of the cultural treasure of mankind.
  11. This part mainly discusses that whether the Principle of Common Heritage of Mankind is suitable for the Antarctic.
  12. So, doing research on the Principle of Common Heritage of Mankind is necessary and has practice significance.